Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Reverse Termination

So, unfortunately it seems that the relationship with mystery match has dissipated. I also, saw this happening about a month before. When we first met he lived alone in a town about an hour away, so we commuted back and forth during the week. On the 4th of July, when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I met his best friend from college. His best friend had just recently got out of a relationship with his girlfriend, whom he was trying to marry at the time, but to his dismay his relationship also dissipated. Problem #1. Best friend is now single and needs bro time. I have nothing against this friend and totally accepted the fact they needed to have time to go out without some chick around.

In August, mystery match also found a new apartment with his friend, a 25-year-old he went to college with who was also single. Problem #2: Roommates. Why in your late twenties would you want to have a roommate? The roommate was nice and did no wrong, but ya know when someone else lives in the house they are always around, no privacy.  So, it started to become me and mystery date and roommate. Including a triple tooth brush session and sharing a roast I cooked especially for my man. 

The new apartment also led to bro parties where I was the only girl. It seemed as if I was losing my man to his friends. Why would he want a girlfriend while in the midst of a college reunion? I was becoming a third wheel. So, this all led up to Labor day. On Wednesday, he said he would call on Thursday. Thursday led to Saturday. No call. Finally I wrote "What's the deal"? I should also tell you that a few weeks prior he also dropped the L-Bomb while half asleep. Really, too soon, so I just asked if he remembered it and if he had meant it, which he said yes and yes. 

So, the reply on labor day was "things just moved crazy fast, I like you, i'm just not sure blah blah blah. You want commitment This continued for two weeks of being told lets hang out to being blown off again to where I finally just said I need to make myself happy, i'm out of here.  Yes, it does feel somewhat better to do the reverse breakup, make it seem like I wanted that, when really i'm not exactly thrilled at being in the single dating pool again. Wait, what just happened? 

Now excuse me if i'm wrong, but I didn't ask you to be in a relationship and I certainly wasn't trying to throw out the L-Bomb anytime soon. So, wasn't it you who moved extremely fast. I was just trying to go with the flow. You made it complicated, but it's always us girls. Also, I have no need to run down an aisle or get impregnated with your man seed anytime soon. It's been three months. I'm not completely insane. 

So now i'm back to the single world, ugh, and I swear every guy that you hadn't seen while in a relationship crawls back out of the singles cave (some more appreciated than others). So, i'm not exactly ready to pop back on Match or even go on a date. Partially, because I hope Mr. Match will have some sort of realization that his friends don't exactly want to be single, it's just what it was or that of course he thinks i'm the most wonderful person he has ever met and he can't believe he ever let me go and that he must, must have me back! Not likely. 

Ugh, so I will try to make this into a positive change starting today. That I was meant to move on for something better and all that crap. One good thing is that the blog can now resume for your reading pleasure.