Tuesday, March 17, 2015

25 Things They Didn't Tell You About Planning Your Wedding


I'm at sixty days until my wedding and I'm filling you in on the real feelings 

1. Yes, you will want the traditional everything, yes, you will hate yourself for wanting that and then at one point, maybe many years later, you will think it was worth it.

2. You will be so so exhausted that there are points you will want to run away, not from your fiancé, you would probably bring him too, but the daily planning and appointments will get to you at a certain point.

3. It will not work out the way you want. You can dream of something and search and search and search to make that vision come true. It won't. But don't worry you will be so tired you won't care. 

4. Another bride will make it look effortless. And you will hate her for it. 

5. You will scoff at the newly engaged who are all excited and cheery. "Man, they have no idea what's ahead of them" and encourage very small destination weddings.

6. Booking the honeymoon is probably the best day of the whole wedding planning thing. All you can think of is laying in the sun. Wait till a couple months before the wedding to book it and give yourself something to look forward to. You and the wedding will not be on speaking terms by then.  

7. You will feel guilty about everything. People spending money on you. Not being able to have a thousand bridesmaids. The distance people will have to drive. Guilt about everything.

8. You won't lose like 20 lbs before your day. Remember you are the rule, not the exception. You will probably just look like you do now, unless you're a stress eater and you might gain weight. 

9. Matching colors is evil. You have to carry swatches everywhere...just pick black and white. Pure white. Not off-white or Michael Jackson White. Make life easier.

10.Your groom will have an opinion. Whether it's something small or big. You envision it one way and him another, who wins in the end...someone's mother, or grandmother or aunt or not you or him, so quit fighting about it. 

11.  You will realize how many people in one room don't get along when you make your seating chart

12. You wish you would have spent a little extra and splurged on a wedding planner

13. Being engaged for a year is for sheep. Either bust it out in six months or wait a couple of years and enjoy it.  A year is the most inappropriate length of time to plan a wedding. 

14. Standing on the altar for the first time before your wedding is the most exciting, terrifying, surreal moment you can ever imagine.

15. You won't have your nails done for most of your engagement. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

16. All that wonderful time spent together before you get married will probably be spent at home because you can't afford to go out. 

17. You will try on your wedding dress as many times as you can. Because you want to live in it. 

18. You can plan everything down to the minute. Not everyone else lives on your schedule and that will drive you insane.

19. You will not have everyone come. Even those who mean the world to you and you completely understand, but emotionally heart tugging. Eventually, you will get over it and will be pleased at just inviting people who just make you laugh.  

20. You will be ok giving up on things you thought were the most important things in the world six months before. 

21.  You won't be sure if you love anything at all by the end including your dress, your venue, your flowers. You won't be mad about it though either. Let's do this! 

22. You will be part of a strange social media group of fellow financees that you probably haven't spoken to in years and they will make you feel like you are one of them and peaceful.

23. You will cry, freak out and be overly emotional 5,000 times before that day

24. You will be broke....sooo broke

25. You will hate/love/live every minute of it and know deep down that it will be your best day ever. Tornado, Hurricane, Snow Storm, you don't/won't care by the end! It will be the greatest day ever!